Displaying episodes 91 - 118 of 118 in total

#28: Be More Spontaneous

"Dad, I'd love to see the mountains." It's a simple statement, and one that can be ignored or pushed out into an ambiguous future. Find out what can happen when we i...

#27: Dealing with Trauma (w/ Jenny Helms)

It's a heavy and difficult topic, but many of us have past trauma in our lives that needs to be dealt with. On this episode Jenny Helms, a trauma and eating disorder ...

#26: Finding Your Career Fit

Just graduated and starting out? Stuck in a job you don't like but don't know where to go? Having the right career fit can make a massive difference in your life, so...

#25: Facing Your Fears

Are you ready to punch fear in the face? Adam breaks down simple and tactical steps to get you on the road to overcoming the fear roadblocks that are holding you back.

#24: Staying Focused on Your Goals

It happens every year on January 1st. Millions of people make promises to change and commit to achieving new goals only to find themselves months later wondering what...

#23: Core Values

You hear the buzzword in businesses everywhere: core values. But what are they? And how can they help you live a more fulfilled and purpose-driven life?

#22: Trusting Your Intuition

That feeling in your gut, that small voice in your head, your intuition is always there trying to guide you in the right direction when things are not always obvious. ...

#21: Strategies for Reducing Perfectionism

Perfectionism is that evil that keeps us from making progress in our lives. It shouts out that unless its "perfect" then it's not worth it. You don't have to accept ...

#20: You Can Change

So often in our lives we believe the lie that we are stuck the way we are. That change is impossible for us. I am here today to tell you that YOU CAN CHANGE! You no...

#19: Improving Your Self-Worth

How we view ourselves makes an incredible impact on the decisions and actions we take in our lives. That's why it's important to have a healthy and accurate view of y...

#18: How to be Grateful When Life is Hard

Life is always going to throw challenges at us, whether we are expecting them or not. But how we respond to those challenges is going to dictate so much of our person...

#17: Repair Relationships Over the Holidays

The holidays can bring a lot of stress and anxiety, especially if you have strained relationships with friends and family. But it doesn't have to be that way. By shi...

#16: Navigating Life Transitions

All of us will go through numerous and significant transitions during our lives. How we approach these situations can have a dramatic impact on our mental and emotion...

#15: Set Real Goals and Don't Hide Them

This is one of my favorite topics to talk about. Setting goals and dreaming about what is possible is when people come alive, especially when done with a vision for l...

#14: Clarify Your Life Purpose

It's easy to find yourself feeling adrift, with a lack of focus or drive. Taking some time to clarify your personal life purpose can have a profound impact on your ou...

#13: Fear of Rejection w/ Suzanna Mathews

Dating has always been difficult but this new age of technology has accelerated the pace of feedback. This can very easily add a lot of anxiety for single people look...

#12: Mental Health in the Workplace

The world is constantly shifting and changing around us and 2020 has been an extreme example of that. Between the threat of job losses and working remotely from home ...

#11: Why You Should Deal With Your Past

The past is a tricky thing. Sometimes we want to avoid it and pretend like it's not there. But it is always influencing the way we live . On this episode we dive in...

#10: End the Cycle of Negativity

Do you struggle with being critical of yourself and others? Do you find yourself in a daily battle with negativity? On this episode we dive into what causes us to be...

#9: Improving Your Emotional Health

Learning how to process and deal with emotions is a key component of living a full and healthy life. Avoiding or suppressing them creates tension and pushes you away ...

#8: Get a Foundation of Life Balance

Do you often find one area of your life being successful while others fall apart? Life balance is desired but everyone but can be difficult to achieve. In this episo...

#7: Building Authentic Confidence

Whatever you face in life, having confidence is a key ingredient to living the way you desire. But some people just seem born with it while the rest of us struggle to...

#6: Develop Deep and Meaningful Friendships

Deep and true friendships are an incredible key to overcoming difficulties and challenges that you may face in your life. But many adults struggle with how to identif...

#5: Overcoming Anxiety in the Moment

This week we return to the topic of anxiety in our lives. In our last episode, we discussed a lot about preventative care to avoid anxiety. However, a lot of times a...

#4: Identifying Limiting Mindsets

Many times our heads can get filled with limiting mindsets and negative core beliefs. On this episode Adam breaks down where these come from and how we can identify t...

#1: Overcoming Anxiety in Your Life

Has our uncertain world created more anxiety in your life? Are you struggling to find ways to overcome it? On this inaugural episode of the Decide Your Legacy podcas...

#2: The Decide Your Legacy Journey

On this episode, Adam takes a step back to talk about the creation of Decide Your Legacy and his core values and beliefs that he operates out of. Then he walks us thr...

#3: Asking Great Questions to Build Relationships

Do you want to develop deep and profound relationships with others? On this episode Adam breaks down how questions are the key to getting others to open up. And with...

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